The Hash Circle & The Down-Down
At the end of each run, the pack forms a circle. It doesn't have to be immediately after the end of the run but should be formed within 10 to 20 minutes after the runners have reached the beer. The circle is formed so that all eyes are on the center. The center will be occupied by either the GM, religious advisor or the lucky hashers chosen to taste the beverage of choice. It is from the circle that the hash conducts its business. Some of the things you might want to know about the down-down.
- It is understood that the hash is out to have a good time. Talking with each other is great but try not to do it while the circle is formed and the down-down has commenced. Talking at these times is viewed as a private party and will be cause for a trip to the circle to drink one for the hash's pleasure. Give a little respect to those in the center. Private parties tend to prolong the down-down. Don't let the down-down turn into the down-down that never ends.
- The hash has a few awards which it bestows on only the best among us:
- The Hash Shit award ------------------------- doing something Shitty on trail or off
- The FRB award------------------------------ For being the Front Running Bastard
- The DFL award------------------------------ For being Dead F*cking last
- The Bbridesmaid award------------------------ For fourth place, because except at the hash, fourth place never gets anything.
- The Down-Down has somewhat of an agenda to follow:
- We toast "G."
- We welcome the virgins into the circle with their sponsors, who instruct them on a proper down-down
- The virgins drink as we serenade them
- We acknowledge any visiting hashers, returning hashers (missed 3 runs), and teners (runners with a run count divisible by 10).
- We congratulate the birthdays among us, award for the wearing of new shoes, or say good bye to departing hashers.
- We award the FRB, DFL, and Bridesmaid awards
- We award the Hash Shit award
- We inquire as to the quality of the run
- We check for whistles (only virgins and hares can be without their whistle)
- We take accusations and lost property, recogized by a "pint of lager"
- We name any hashers that need to be named
- We pass along on-after and next run info
- We close with "Swing Low"
- Sometimes there are votes to be taken on various issues. We vote very much like the Romans. Thumbs up means no, Thumbs down means yes, and thumbs sideways means who gives a rats ass.
- The RA normally runs the circle. When the RA is not present, the GM runs the circle or chooses someone to do so. If both are gone, the hares will run the circle.
- The drinking of the down-down is simple. You listen to a fine song, put the beverage of choice to your lips, drink the entire contents never moving it from your lips, and when finished, tip it upside down over your head. If you should fail to drink the entire contents of your beverage of choice, the remainder must be dumped over your head. Moving it from your lips constitutes being finished. If when called upon to do a down-down and your glass is not filled, call on the head giver or for donations and the hash will see that you get filled up.
- The hash sings songs before every drinking opportunity. Learn the songs as some songs consist of many verses and if called upon for a verse and you know not one, you could be in the circle with your beverage of choice.
- The down-down can be both fun and entertaining. Individuals should not be targeted for harsh down-downs. Beer is an award and should not seem like a punishment.
- There is no shame in drinking water at the down-down. If you are driving, everyone would prefer that you drank something that will not impair your driving and potentially cause problems. There is usually an On-After (meal) spot to go to after the down-down. This is a good opportunity to get some food, sober up, or just plain eat.
- Hashers are responsible for their virgins until they are named. School your virgins in proper etiquette as the hash sponsor will always end up paying the price for their insolence.