• Alcohol Abuse: spilling or otherwise wasting beer at any time during a hash, especially during down-downs
  • "Are You?" (R U?): question shouted by the pack to FRBs, meaning "Are you on trail?"
  • Arrow: directional trail mark; also see True Trail Arrow, Pack Arrow
  • Auto-Hashing: hitching a ride to the end, a heinous violation of hash etiquette
  • Back Check (BC): trail mark* indicating that runners should turn around and retrace their path while looking for true trail, which branched off somewhere before the BC; sometimes accompanied by a number indicating the number of marks the pack should go back before looking for true trail
  • Bad Trail (BT): 1) a section of trail which goes nowhere; 2) trail mark* indicating the end of a BT; see also False Trail, YBF
  • Balls Check: trail mark* indicating a check or intersection which must be solved by male hashers before the pack can proceed
  • Beer: see Piss
  • Beer Check: 1) beverage stop; 2) trail mark* indicating a beverage stop
  • Beer Master: mismanagement member in charge of ensuring an adequate beverage supply for hash events; also "biermeister"
  • Beer Near: trail mark* indicating proximity of beverages; can be associated with a beer check, on-in, or on-home
  • Blow Job: see Bad Trail
  • Boob Check: trail mark* indicating a check or intersection which must be solved by female hashers before the pack can proceed
  • Butt Chug: See Debauchery
  • Butt Painting: See Debauchery
  • B-Van: vehicle used to transport beer, food, hash bags
  • Caught Hare: a hare who has been overtaken and physically caught by a member of the pack; normally honored during Down-Downs
  • Chalk: basic substance used for marking trail; see also Flour, Paper
  • Chalk Talk: trail instructions for virgin or visiting hashers
  • Check: trail mark* indicating an intersection where true trail may take another direction
  • "Checking!": answer shouted by FRB to pack when asked "Are You?", indicating that FRB has not determined whether the trail he's following is true or false
  • Circle: assembly of hashers at trail's end, normally for the purpose of conducting down-downs
  • Co-hare: hare's assistant . . . in many hashes it is normal to have two or more hares laying trail together; in others it is a rare event
  • C-word: euphemism for "competition" or "competitive"
  • Dead Fucking Last (DFL): last member of pack to finish trail, sometimes honored during down-downs (though this goes against the grain of hashing's "non-competitive" ethos)
  • Dead Hare: hare who lays the entire trail before the pack sets out; sometimes accompanies the pack to ensure it doesn't get lost (see Sweeper)
  • Dead on Trail (DOT): hopelessly lost
  • Debauchery: Any of several morale-building mixed-sex activities indulged in by hashers, usually during aprés, usually (but not always) confined to American hashing circles
  • Doo-Loop: looping section of trail designed to slow down the pack and give the hare more lead
  • Down-Down: the ceremony of quaffing a beverage (an honor)
  • Down-Downs: the ceremony of honoring deserving hashers after the trail
  • Erections: mismanagement elections, normally accomplished during the AGM
  • False Trail: see Bad Trail; a section of trail going nowhere, designed to slow down the pack and give the hare more lead
  • Flour: a basic substance used to mark trail; see also Chalk, Paper
  • Front Running Bastard (FRB): faster member of the pack, also the one member of the pack who finishes trail first (and is normally "honored" for same, since one should not be competitive)
  • Full Moon: frequently an occasion for an evening hash; many kennels hash every full moon throughout the year
  • "G" Day: February 11th. A.S. Gispert ("G"), the father of hashing, was killed in action defending Singapore from invading Japanese forces on this date in 1942
  • Gay: general-use adjective used to describe something as limp, lame, bland, or wimpy; opposite of Slutty
  • Grand Master: mismanagement member, ceremonial leader of the kennel; also Hash Master
  • Grand Mattress: mismanagement member; sometimes used as the title for a female grand master
  • Grand Mistress: mismanagement member; sometimes used as the title for a female grand master, but often used as the title for someone who organizes hash parties and dinners
  • Hare: hasher who lays the trail; see Live Hare, Dead Hare
  • Hare Arrow: trail mark*, normally means "true trail," but not always
  • Hare Raiser: mismanagement member in charge of lining up hares for future trails
  • Harrier: any hasher, male or female; in some hashes, a male hasher
  • Harriette: female hasher
  • Hash: 1) the Hash House Harriers, as in "I run with the hash"; 2) an individual kennel, as in "I run with the New York Hash"; 3) the actual event, as in "I'm hashing tonight"; 4) trail marks*, as in chalk, flour, or paper
  • Hash Bag: bag of dry clothes and other post-trail necessities; see also Shag Bag
  • Hash Cash: 1) mismanagement member; the treasurer; 2) financial resources of the hash
  • Hash Crier: mismanagement member; calls other members to let them know when and where runs will start
  • Hash Devil: mismanagement member; in some hashes, the person in charge of down-downs or singling hashers out for violations; see also Couth Monger
  • Hasher: any Hash House Harrier
  • Hash Etiquette: euphemism for "rule"; also see Rule # 1
  • Hash Flash: hash photographer
  • Hash God: see Self-Appointed Officious Assholes
  • Hash Haberdasher: mismanagement member in charge of T-shirts, hats, mementos, etc
  • Hash Harlot: mismanagement member, often a female religious adviser; meaning varies between kennels
  • Hash Horn: mismanagement member; carries a horn or bugle on trail, blows it to encourage and guide the pack
  • Hash House: 1) the Selangor Club in Kuala Lumpur, meeting place of the Mother Hash; 2) any hash hangout, usually a bar
  • Hash House Harrier: any hasher
  • Hash House Harriers (HHH or H3): 1) hashers; 2) the hash
  • Hash House Horrors: hashers' children
  • Hash Hymn: song sung by the pack during down-downs; see also International Hash Hymn
  • Hashing: the act of running a hash trail
  • Hash Master: mismanagement member; see Grand Master
  • Hash Name: nickname, usually bestowed after a set number of runs or in honor of a notable incident; not used by all hashes
  • Hash Quack: mismanagement member in charge of administering first aid to injured hashers
  • Hash Scribe: mismanagement member normally in charge of writing the hash trash
  • Hash Shit (Hash-It, Hashit): offensive or embarrassing object given to a hasher for notable on-trail accomplishments, normally carried by the awardee on subsequent trails until it is awarded to someone else; sometimes also used as a nickname for the awardee
  • Hash Trash: newsletter containing writeups of past runs and announcements of upcoming events
  • Hash Time: an erratic measure of a precise phenomena. If the hash is scheduled to start at 2:00 pm, the actual start may be 2:17 or 2:29, or ???
  • Hat: in most hashes, not to be worn while doing down-downs
  • Hounds: the body of hashers in pursuit of the hare, see also Pack
  • HUYA: a plunger, acronym stands for "head up your ass"
  • Interhash: regional, national, or world hash gathering
  • Intersection: see Check
  • International Hash Hymn: "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"; see Hash Hymn
  • Kennel: Hash House Harrier chapter or club
  • Live Hare: hare who gets a nominal head start and is pursued by the pack as he lays trail
  • Loop: see Doo-Loop
  • Long-Cutting Bastard (LCB): 1) slower member of the pack; 2) someone who gets horribly lost and comes in late
  • Mismanagement: hash officials; sometimes elected, sometimes appointed
  • Mooning: mild form of debauchery
  • Mother Hash: Kuala Lumpur Hash House Harriers, first organized in 1938, still going strong and an inspiration to us all (except for the bit about "no women")
  • M-word: euphemism for "marathon"
  • Naming Committee: group of hashers who bestow hash names upon new hashers
  • New Boot: see Virgin
  • New Shoe: drinking vessel used during down-downs; see also Tea Bag; heinous violation of hash etiquette
  • No Blow: hasher who forgets his whistle, normally honored with a down-down
  • On-Afters: see Aprés, On-On-Ons, On-On-On-Ons
  • "On-Back": shouted by FRBs to the pack when FRBs encounter a back check
  • On-Before: where hashers gather before the start of the hash, usually a public establishment
  • On-Home: 1) trail's end, also On-In; 2) trail mark* indicating proximity to end
  • On-In: see On-Home
  • On-Off: start of trail
  • "On-On": 1) shouted by FRBs or hounds to indicate they're on trail, sometimes used only to indicate true trail; 2) trail mark* in lieu of a true trail arrow
  • On-On-Ons: see Aprés, On-Afters, On-On-On-Ons
  • On-On-On-Ons: see Aprés, On-Afters, On-On-Ons
  • "On-One" ("On-Two," etc): shouted by FRBs or hounds to indicate the number of flour marks they've seen on an unexplored trail, usually after a check
  • On-Sec: mismanagement member normally in charge of hash rosters, run records, etc
  • On-Sex: more than one on-sec
  • "On the Ice!": 1) in many kennels, the block of ice upon which honorees sit during down-downs; 2) command given by the GM or RA to down-down recipients
  • On-Up! (or down, under, over, through, etc): what hounds sound to let those following know that the trail has become a challenge and the type of challenge being encountered
  • On-X: trail mark* meaning "on across," usually found near freeways, airport runways, rivers, etc
  • Pack: hashers in pursuit of the hare, also Hounds
  • Pack Arrow: mark left by a member of the pack indicating direction taken; follow at your own peril
  • Paper: basic substance used to mark trail; see also Chalk, Flour
  • Phantom Hare: secret hare, unknown to the pack
  • Photo Hash: theme hash where a photograph shows the pack where to run to; another photograph will be hidden at that location, and so on . . . a variation is the "Clue Hash," where hashers find their way by written clues
  • Pick-Up Hash: hash where the hare is chosen at the last minute, usually through a drawing or game of chance; head starts are shorter and the hare is expected to be caught often--the hound catching the hare becomes the next hare, and so on
  • Piss: see Beer
  • Piss Drinking: See Debauchery
  • Pissed: drunk
  • "Piss Off": go away, get fucked, etc
  • Piss-Up: drinking session; a party
  • Piss Wagon: see B-Van
  • Player: obnoxious asshole; see also Poofter
  • Poofter: literally, a homo; in hash use, 1) a homo; 2) anyone not welcome at the hash (see Rule # 6); 3) a poseur; 4) a person who hangs around the hash but isn't really a hasher; 5) a major whinger; 6) a non-contributor in general; 7) a "player"
  • Poofterism: behavior associated with poofters
  • Pre-Lay: act of laying the trail or sections thereof before the hash; sometimes a violation, sometimes not, depending on kennel traditions; like masturbation, widely practiced but seldom admitted
  • Private Party: act of participating in a non-circle conversation, thereby showing disrespect to the GM during down-downs
  • Ranging: the process whereby certain hounds run with total disregard for the trail
  • Receding Hareline: list of upcoming hash events, normally printed in the hash trash
  • Red Dress Run: theme hash where hares and pack wear red dresses; variations include lingerie runs, mini-skirt runs, muumuu runs, nude runs, etc
  • Regroup: trail mark* used in some hashes, where FRBs must wait for all members of the pack to arrive before setting out again
  • Religious Adviser/Advisor (RA): mismanagement member normally in charge of blessing the hash and settling disputes over tradition; sometimes in charge of down-down ceremonies
  • Respect: reverential attitude of right-thinking pack members toward the GM during the circle and down-downs
  • Rule: universally-understood tenet of acceptable hash behavior; never called a "rule" but often euphemized as "tradition" or "hash etiquette"
    • Rule # 1: "There are no rules"
    • Rule # 2: "See Rule # 1"
    • Rule # 6: "No poofters!"
  • R-word: euphemism for "race," "run," or "rule"
  • Self-Appointed Officious Assholes: see Hash God
  • Shag Bag: a bag of dry/warm clothing for use after the hash; see also Hash Bag
  • Shandy: "lady's" down-down drink made of beer and ginger ale; most often seen in the UK or Down Under
  • Shiggy: jungle, thick vegetation, rocks, cliffs, streams, etc; especially mud
  • Shiggy-Shaggy (aka Zicky-Zacky): a chant made by the hash in response to anyone verbally screwing up. The offender must drink beer, but not necessarily a full down-down
  • Shitty: adjective used to describe a really good trail
  • Short-Cutting: the act of attempting to short-cut the trail, see also Zenning
  • Short-Cutting Bastard (SCB): habitual short-cutter, a title of esteem in most hashes
  • Sixty-Nine: a number fraught with significance
  • Slutty: general-use adjective used to describe something as strong, robust, or satisfying; opposite of Gay
  • Song Master: mismanagement member; leads down-down songs
  • Sweeper: hasher, normally an experienced member of the pack, assigned to follow the pack in order to ensure no one gets lost; this function is sometimes performed by a dead hare
  • Tea Bag: sock or sole insert from a new shoe, the liquid from which is wrung out into a violator's mouth after he or she has finished a down-down from the offending footwear
  • Tradition: euphemism for "rule"; also see Rule # 1
  • Trail Recce: act of scouting a potential trail; hare practice
  • True Trail: the correct trail that leads to the on-in
  • True Trail Arrow: trail mark* indicating true trail
  • Trusted Agent: Hound who has been told where the on-in is in case the pack gets lost
  • Turkey Trail: optional section of trail, normally shorter and easier than the main trail
  • Turtle Check: trail mark* indicating that FRBs should wait at the mark until the slower hashers (the turtles) have caught up; normally used on dead hare trails to keep the pack together (in some hashes this is known as a Circle Check)
  • Up-Up: trail mark used to taunt the pack on a hilly trail
  • Violation: any infraction of hash etiquette or tradition, on- or off-trail
  • Violator: he or she who must be punished, normally by down-down
  • Virgin: first-time hasher; also applied to first-time hare
  • Virgin Lay: 1) a virgin hare's first trail; 2) a new kennel's first hash
  • Walkers: infant, infirm, or elderly hashers
  • Wanker: literally, a masturbator; in English/Australian use, a sort of "Sad Sack" character; in hash use, an everyday hasher
  • Wherdafugarwee?: from a hash song, what a hound might say when lost
  • Whinge: whine
  • Whinger: whiner; see also Poofter
  • Whinging: whining
  • X: trail mark* used to indicate a check or intersection
  • YBF: bad trail mark*; stands for "You've Been Fucked"
  • Zenning: striking out cross-country in anticipation of finding the on-in; see also Short-Cutting